Dateutil Python 2.7 Windows Installer
Windows If you don’t already have Python installed, we recommend using one of the such as Python(x,y), Enthought Canopy, or Continuum Anaconda, which have matplotlib and many of its dependencies, plus other useful packages, preinstalled. For installations you will also need to install compatible versions of, and in addition to. In case Python is not installed for all users (not the default), the Microsoft Visual C 2008 ( or for Python 2.6 to 3.2) or Microsoft Visual C 2010 ( or for Python 3.3 and 3.4) redistributable packages need to be installed.

Python-dateutil 1.5. Download python-dateutil-1.5.tar.gz. Extensions to the standard python 2.3+ datetime module. Latest Version: 2.6.1. How to Install Python-dateutil on Windows and Ubuntu, Mac OS windows 8,7. Error No local packages or download links found for dateutil-2.1,2.4 on pip python.
Matplotlib depends on for reading and saving JPEG, BMP, and TIFF image files. Matplotlib requires and for rendering text with LaTeX., or are required for the animation module. The following backends should work out of the box: agg, tkagg, ps, pdf and svg. For other backends you may need to install, or GhostScript. TkAgg is probably the best backend for interactive use from the standard Python shell or IPython. It is enabled as the default backend for the official binaries.

GTK3 is not supported on Windows. The Windows installers (.exe) and wheels (.whl) on the do not contain test data or example code.
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If you want to try the many demos that come in the matplotlib source distribution, download the.tar.gz file and look in the examples subdirectory. To run the test suite, copy the libmatplotlibtests and libmpltoolkitstests directories from the source distribution to sys.prefixLibsite-packagesmatplotlib and sys.prefixLibsite-packagesmpltoolkits respectively, and install, Pillow, MiKTeX, GhostScript, ffmpeg, avconv, mencoder, ImageMagick, and. Cd matplotlib python build python install We provide a file that goes with which you can use to customize the build process. For example, which default backend to use, whether some of the optional libraries that matplotlib ships with are installed, and so on. This file will be particularly useful to those packaging matplotlib. If you have installed prerequisites to nonstandard places and need to inform matplotlib where they are, edit and add the base dirs to the basedir dictionary entry for your sys.platform. E.g., if the header to some required library is in /some/path/include/someheader.h, put /some/path in the basedir list for your platform.
Required Dependencies 2.6, 2.7, 3.3 or 3.4. 1.6 (or later) array support for python 1.1 or later Provides extensions to python datetime handling. If using pip, easyinstall or installing from source, the installer will attempt to download and install pythondateutil from PyPI. Note that pythondateutil also depends on six. Pip and other package managers should handle installing that secondary dependency automatically. Pyparsing Required for matplotlib’s mathtext math rendering support.
If using pip, easyinstall or installing from source, the installer will attempt to download and install pyparsing from PyPI. Six 1.4 or later Python 2/3 compatibility library. This is also a dependency of. Libpng 1.2 (or later) library for loading and saving files. Libpng requires zlib.
Pytz Used to manipulate time-zone aware datetimes. Optional GUI framework These are optional packages which you may want to install to use matplotlib with a user interface toolkit. See for more details on the optional matplotlib backends and the capabilities they provide. 8.3 or later The TCL/Tk widgets library used by the TkAgg backend 4.0 or later The Qt4 widgets library python wrappers for the Qt4Agg backend 2.4 or later The python wrappers for the GTK widgets library for use with the GTK or GTKAgg backend 2.8 or later The python wrappers for the wx widgets library for use with the WX or WXAgg backend.
Building on Windows The Python shipped from is compiled with Visual Studio 2008 for versions before 3.3 and Visual Studio 2010 for 3.3 and later. Python extensions are recommended to be compiled with the same compiler. The.NET Framework 4.0 is required for MSBuild (you’ll likely have the requisite Framework with Visual Studio). In addition to Visual Studio is required for building libpng. Since there is no canonical Windows package manager the build methods for freetype, zlib, libpng, tcl, & tk source code are documented as a build script.