Can A Felon Get A Mortgage License

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FELONY CONVICTIONS AND EMPLOYMENT Location: CRIME AND CRIMINALS; EMPLOYMENT; Scope: Connecticut laws/regulations; Background; July 16, 2012 2012-R-0252 FELONY CONVICTIONS AND EMPLOYMENT By: Christopher Reinhart, Chief Attorney You asked about the consequences of a felony conviction on employment. This report updates. SUMMARY With limited exceptions, the law prohibits the state from disqualifying a person from engaging in an occupation, profession, or business that requires a state credential (such as a license or permit) solely because of a prior criminal conviction. Similarly, a person cannot be denied state employment solely because of a prior conviction. The law allows a state agency or board to deny employment or a credential only if it finds a person unsuitable after considering certain factors.

Felons Can 't Vote in Florida. Licensed mortgage brokers in the state. The Miami Herald's investigative team reported on Sunday that the state has. The minimum requirements under SAFE Act state that no one can obtain a Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO) License if they have had any felonies in the last 7 years or if they have ever had a felony that was financial services related, such as fraud, theft, bribery, check forgery, etc.

The limited exceptions to this rule apply to (1) law enforcement agencies, (2) certain mortgage licensees, and (3) long-term care facility service providers with direct access to patients who are convicted of certain crimes. The bar described above does not apply to these entities or people. In addition, public and private employers cannot (1) use criminal histories to discriminate against a potential employee in violation of federal law or (2) deny employment to or discharge a person because of a conviction for which the person received a pardon. The Board of Pardons and Paroles can also issue a provisional pardon to a person to relieve him or her of certain barriers to employment or obtaining a license or permit. A provisional pardon, for example, could make someone eligible for a credential that might otherwise be denied due to a felony conviction. STATE EMPLOYMENT AND STATE-ISSUED CREDENTIALS Connecticut law declares the public policy of encouraging employers to hire qualified ex-offenders (CGS § ).

In furtherance of this policy, the law restricts the ability of state agencies and boards to deny employment or revoke or suspend licenses or permits based solely on a criminal conviction. A person is not “disqualified to practice, pursue or engage in any occupation, trade, vocation, profession or business for which a license, permit, certificate, or registration is required to be issued by the state or any of its agencies solely because of a prior conviction of a crime” (CGS § ). Under the law, a person is not disqualified from state employment solely because of a prior conviction of a crime. The state can deny employment or a license, permit, certificate, or registration to a person with a prior felony conviction if he or she is found unsuitable after considering (1) the nature of the crime, (2) information relating to the degree of rehabilitation, and (3) the time elapsed since the conviction or release (CGS § ).

These statutes (CGS § et seq.) prevail over agencies ' authority to deny licenses; however they do not apply to the: 1. Licensure of a mortgage lender, correspondent lender, broker, loan originator, and loan processor or underwriter (CGS § ) or 2.


Employment practices of law enforcement agencies, although an agency can adopt such a policy (CGS § ). Credentials and Felony Convictions Subject to the policy described above, any state agency or board issuing a credential may consider a felony conviction when determining a person ' s suitability for the credential.

Many statutes specifically list a felony conviction as a factor in denying, suspending, or revoking a credential. Table 1 displays the professions or jobs covered (they may also authorize actions based on specified misdemeanor convictions).

● Electricians ● Plumbers ● Elevator contractors and craftsmen ● Contractors or journeymen performing heating, piping, and cooling; solar; fire protection sprinkler; irrigation; sheet metal; gas hearth; or automotive and flat glass work Fine art secured lenders. These credential can be denied regardless of the law that prohibits the state from denying credentials solely based on a conviction. In addition, the following businesses can lose their license to operate if an applicant, licensee, or a specified individual connected with the business is convicted of any felony: sales finance companies (CGS §§ and ), small loan lenders (CGS §§ and ), check cashing businesses (CGS §§ and ), money transmission businesses or payment instrument issuers (CGS §§ and ), debt adjusters (CGS §§ and ), debt negotiators (CGS §§ and ), and consumer collection agencies (CGS §§ and ). The registration of a business opportunity (selling or leasing products, supplies, or services to start a business) can be revoked if the seller or a partner, officer, director, a similar person, or anyone controlling or responsible for the seller ' s business is convicted of a felony (CGS § ). For insurance third party administrators (TPA), the TPA can lose its license if a person responsible for its affairs is convicted of a felony (CGS § ). A TPA directly or indirectly (1) underwrites; (2) collects charges or premiums; or (3) adjusts or settles claims on Connecticut residents with respect to life, annuity, or health coverage offered or provided by an insurer.

Other Credential Statutes Other statutes allow an agency or board to deny a credential based on conviction of certain crimes or based on character or fitness. Education credentials provide an example.

The State Board of Education (SBE) can revoke a teacher or school administrator certificate or an authorization or permit (such as those held by athletic coaches, substitute teachers, and teachers teaching outside their endorsement area) of a person convicted of a crime of moral turpitude or of such a nature that the board feels that allowing the holder to keep the credential would impair the credential ' s standing (CGS § ). The SBE must revoke a certificate, permit, or authorization when the holder is convicted of certain crimes. This includes convictions for: 1.

Can A Felon Get Unemployment

A capital felony; 2. Arson murder; 3.

Any class A felony; 4. A class B felony, except first-degree larceny, computer crime, or vendor fraud; 5. Risk of injury to a minor; 6.

Deprivation of a person ' s civil rights by a person wearing a mask or hood; 7. Second-degree assault of an elderly, blind, disabled, or pregnant person or person with intellectual disability; 8. Second-, third-, or fourth-degree sexual assault; 9. Third-degree promoting prostitution; 10. Enticing a minor; 11. Substitution of children; 12. Third-degree burglary with a firearm; 13.

First-degree stalking; 14. Obscenity as to minors; 16. Importing child pornography; 17. Criminal use of a firearm or electronic defense weapon; 18.

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Possession of a weapon on school grounds; 19. Manufacture or sale of illegal drugs; and 20.

Crimes involving child abuse or neglect (CGS § ). The SBE may deny a certificate, authorization, or permit application if the applicant has been convicted of a crime of moral turpitude or of such a nature that the board feels that granting the credential would impair its standing (CGS § ).

The SBE cannot issue or reissue a certificate for a person convicted of one of the crimes listed above until at least five years after the person finishes serving his or her sentence (including probation or parole) for the conviction (CGS § ). State Employees The state Personnel Act permits state agencies to discharge classified employees for incompetence or “other reasons relating to the effective performance of their duties” (CGS § ). Its regulations allow the state to dismiss employees who are convicted of a (1) felony, (2) misdemeanor committed while on duty, or (3) misdemeanor committed while off-duty that could affect their job performance (Conn. Agencies Regs.

In most cases, it must give employees notice and a hearing prior to dismissal. And a union member may grieve and get an arbitrator ' s ruling on whether the conviction was just cause for discharge under the specific terms of the union contract. FEDERAL LAW Asking job applicants to indicate whether they have been convicted of a crime is permissible under federal law. Under the federal Equal Employment Opportunities Commission's (EEOC) interpretation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC.

§ 2000e, et seq.), disqualifying people who have criminal records from jobs may be discriminatory because the practice disproportionately affects African American and Hispanic men. (Those two groups generally have higher criminal conviction rates than do Caucasian men.) The EEOC states in its guidance documents that employers cannot simply bar felons from consideration, but must show that a conviction-based disqualification is justified by “business necessity.” Employers should examine the (1) nature and gravity of the offense or offenses, (2) length of time since the conviction or completion of sentence, and (3) nature of the job held or sought. Under this test, employers should consider the job-relatedness of a conviction, the circumstances of the offense, and the number of offenses ( EEOC Guidance 915.002, April 25, 2012: ). PARDONS The law authorizes the Board of Pardons and Paroles to issue pardons to erase a conviction.

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State law prohibits employers, including the state and its political subdivisions, from taking certain actions against people who have their conviction records erased by an absolute pardon. An employer cannot require an employee or prospective employee to disclose such records or deny employment or discharge an employee solely because of records. An employment application form asking for criminal history information must contain a clear notice that the applicant need not disclose erased information and that he or she is considered never to have been arrested and can swear it under oath (CGS § ).

Killer Bean is taken to prison, but Jet Bean manages to kill every police officer and find him in his cell. Jet Bean, an assassin from the east, is one of the Shadow Agency's top Shadow Beans. Killer bean 2 full movie. Killer Bean then contacts the Shadow Agency on Jet Bean's cell phone, and they suggest Killer Bean come in to 'talk things over'. In the last fight scene, Killer Bean kills Jet Bean with much effort. Killer Bean explains to Jet Bean that the Shadow Agency has gone criminal, but Jet Bean doesn't believe him.