1608 Unable To Create Install Driver Instance Installshield
Sony play memories home download. Jan 22, 2003 Hello, I use the ISD8.0 and i have the error below on a NT4 SP5 computer during the windows installer initialization. 1608:unable to create installdriver instance.
Does anyone have an idea why the following message would appear when trying to install my application on a Windows 2000 machine? The error is: Error 1608: Unable to create install instance. This message is received immediately when a user runs the setup.exe.
I have tried several things to try and fix this including running the ISScript.msi and the following relating to DCOM: Launch Dcomcnfg.exe from the Start, Run option. Go to the Default Security tab, Default Launch Permissions section and click Edit Default.
Now set the privilege 'Allow Access' for yourself from the drop down list. Click ok and close Dcomcnfg.exe Run the setup again. Nothing has worked. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I have that error problem installing a game.
The exact error is as follows: 1608 Unable to create InstallDriver Instance Return Code: - All I've been able to find out is that return code means 'system cannot find the specified file' but I have no clue how to find out what file is missing. I did everything this knowledge base article told me to do - even though the return code doesn't match the one I got.
1608 Unable To Create Install Driver Instance
The steps in that article didn't help. I use Windows XP Home, so I can't or don't know how to reinstall the Windows Installer Package, even though I'm convinced the missing file is a Windows Installer file because during the short moment that my game starts to install, it says it's configuring the windows installer then the error comes up. I have emailed the game company's tech support, but I doubt they will be of any help.